Tuesday 24 January 2017

We provide The High Quality Leaf & Powder of Borneo Kratom from West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

We quarantee that our product is a Satisfying Product because we tightly do Quality Control in whole Processing from harvest to packing.

Our firm, CV. GUSDENSIA is a LEGAL FIRM and has a LEGAL LICENSE to trade Non Timber Forest Product by Indonesia Ministry of Forestry (In Indonesia known as Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup & Kehutanan Republik Indonesia)

We are always ready to deal global trade in continuous large order Min. 20 Kg

We offer you: 
Kratom Borneo Powder 50 USD/Kg (Negotiable)

We are happy and welcome you to come to Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia to visit the entire of our Kratom Borneo Farming Processing and offer you to get new experiences of natural forest and relate to local community.

We had global trade experiences, we also provide Gaharu Buaya Kalimantan that export to Saudi Arabia until now.

For more further information:
Whatsapp: +62 81345014501 (Robby Priansyah)

Address: Jalan YC Oevang Oeray No.38
Kabupaten Sintang, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia 
Business Fields: Non Timber Forest Product (Bidang Usaha: Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu)

Pict. 1. Green Kratom Borneo Powder

Pict 2. Red Kratom Borneo Powder

Pict 3. Kratom Borneo Leaf

Pict 4. Kratom Borneo Leaf in open warehouse

Pict 5. Quality Control Kratom Borneo Leaf 

Another offering product by CV. GUSDENSIA, Gaharu Buaya Kalimantan

Pict 1. The Stock of Gaharu Buaya 

Pict 2. Gaharu Buaya in warehouse

Pict 3. Gaharu Buaya is ready to export to Saudi Arabia

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